House of Sand - portfolio

Thank you for taking the time to view this page. Limited portfolio material in below for the purposes of grant applications and project pitches. 

Please do not share this material with the wider public or distribute it in any way. This page cannot be accessed without a specific URL. 

Further Cast & Crew details can be accessed from the Gallery page 

Password protected Vimeo links are accessed with the password "Portfolio" (capital P)

Thanks again for your time. 

Charles & Eliza 



Created & Performed by Eliza Sanders

Knitting While Sleeping

Choreographer - Eliza sanders

Dramaturge - Charles Sanders

Performers - Laura Beanland-Stephens, Sophie Gargan, Jadyn Burt, Tyler Carney

Infected by Stephen Sewell

Directed by Charles Sanders

Feet. Us (in development)

Created by Eliza Sanders, Sophie Gargan & Owen McCarthy

Text support material

Reviews Compilation and CV of upcoming film creation collaborator Alison Wheeler

