Posts tagged arts auspol independent milleennial
“A Decade In The Life of An Independent Artist” or “Task Work For Arts Supporters"

“A Decade In The Life of An Independent Artist” or  “Task Work For Arts Supporters"

This might end up feeling to you like nothing more than a gigantic bitch fest. I hope not, as I think there’s some valid information in my experience that deserves to see the light of day. Or perhaps a gigantic bitch fest is alright once in a while - ‘maintain your rage’ and all that. So…

Most of you will be surprised to hear that I’ve been struggling lately. Not just financially, many of you are aware of that, but emotionally and psychologically as well. This isn’t going to be a poor me note, or a post about depression (though there’s nothing wrong with the latter of those) because I’m not depressed, I’m angry. And I live in an unsustainable working environment which causes anxiety, moments of depression and ongoing stress and discomfort. I can pinpoint the reasons why I’m feeling crappy and they’re primarily exterior. 
As most of you would be well aware I’m a borderline workaholic, and so my work life impacts very heavily on my mental state, and here is why it’s not been so great lately:

Being An Independent Artist Sucks a Big Fat Bag of Sweaty, Smelly, Hairy, Unwashed, Yeast-Infected, Puss-Riddled Dicks. 

End post. 


… Joking! 

Here’s why it sucks so much, 

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